Sunday, July 24, 2011

I didn't get too much done on this one.  It was soo hot here.  We only have a window air conditioner and it kept the house in the 80's.  I would just sit and drip sweat.  So I didn't stitch.  The air conditioner finally died on Tuesday.  We went hunting for a new one Wednesday and actually found one.  This one is keeping the house much cooler. 


Debra said...

That is going to be pretty. Glad you found a new AC

mdgtjulie said...

Looks good Cathy. I love the little cardinals on it! Grats on the progress. And glad you were able to get a new AC. It's no fun being in this heat without it!!

Karen said...

You know it's weird when it's hotter up there than it is here - Atlanta the cool spot? I'll take it - since it'll still be like this (90s+) until October (which is why I don't live in OH anymore :) )

Great stitching, as always!