Thursday, August 1, 2024

July WIPocalypse

 Question of the Month:  Which of your current WIPs do you consider your most difficult piece to stitch?

Butterfly Fairy Night is the difficult piece for me because it is on evenweave.  Early on I got off and now I am trying to make it all match up.  I did stitch on this piece this month.  Here it is:


I took part in Tour de France thru Full Coverage Fanatics.  I used Dandelion Fairy Kingdom.  This month I put in a total of 4,758 stitches.  I finished page 23 and started on page 24.  Page 23 had a large block of color that I saved for the Tour de France event.  Page 24 is my last full page.  After page 24 I have 6 partial pages to finish this project.


I also stitched on the following projects as part of the Magazine Monthly Acrostic Challenge:

Unplug & Go Outside I put in an additional 529 stitches

Jolly Snowman I also worked on this one for Christmas in July.  877 stitches added.

Princess & Dragon by Teresa Wentzler added 549 stitches

Autumn Sampler 409 stitches added

Crane Paradise added 522 stitches

I also stitched on the following projects:

H C Anderson Fairy Tales SAL I finished the July part.  It was a much smaller part and I got it finished early in the month this time.

Joy Seasonal Heart added 667 stitches

QS Magic Island I finished page 1 and started on page 2.

Hedge Hog Kit from Riolos.  I have been working on the greenery around the first hedge hog. 396 stitches added.

Funky Cats  This one has large blocks of color and does move pretty fast.  515 stitches added.

Homestead Harvest I finished page 1 and started on page 4

July was a good stitching month.  I only missed 2 days of stitching.  Plans for August - stitch the August section of HC Anderson SAL, work on the August Acrostic and keep pushing on Dandelion Fairy Kingdom.


jocondine said...

So much done, that was a good month! Great progress always bring great feelings! xxx

Faith... said...

Hi! I love all your stitching! You had a very busy month of stitching, congrats on everything. Katie recommended your blog to me.

Cathy said...

Hi Faith. Thanks for checking out my blog. I think I have seen you posting on the Magazine Monthly Challenge Group.