Question of the Month: How do you organize your WIPs and stash?
I keep all of my WIPs next to my bed as I stitch at night in bed. They are in ziplock bags. Some are stored in a Stitching with the Housewives bag and some in a basket.
I do fully kit up each project keeping the floss for that project in the zip lock bag or if there is alot of floss in a bobbin box for that project.
Floss not currently in use for a project is kept in plastic floss boxes on bobbins. I also have two plastic boxes that are normally for scrap booking that I keep all of my kits in.
I have two small boxes of fabric and I keep all of my patterns, magazines etc in 3 large tubs in closets. This picture is of two of the tubs.
Here are the projects I stitched on this month. No finishes but some are getting closer to being finished.
Butterfly Fairy Night I continue to plug away on this one.
HC Anderson Fairy Tale SAL I finished the October installment. I will do the back stitching which is minimal when it is all done. Only 2 more parts and this one will be finished.
Folk Reindeer working on the border.
Crane Paradise. The bottom of the project is all flowers and leaves. This is a dense section. I did make good progress on it this month.
I started this one too high. I am going to re-start this one. I also decided to change up the colors on the owl when I restart it. The baby is due in December and I like to have these finished so I can give them at Christmas.
Autumn Sampler I finished up the Turkey block.
Hello Autumn I worked on this one for the O My Gourd challenge in the Magazine Monthly Challenge group. I added 836 stitches
Homestead Harvest. Finished the pumpkin and more work on the grass. I have decided to just stitch the center panel. I will have to remove part of the side border when I finish the portion I want to stitch.
Unplug & Go Outside. Page 1 is finished and I have started on page 2.
Funky Cats. I enjoy stitching on this one. The colors are bright and lots of block stitching.
Hedge Hog kit. More greenery and berries. I am enjoying working on this one.
I have 2 full coverage projects. Dandelion Fairy Kingdom I stitch on during the afternoons. I try and stitch on this one daily except for the weekends.
In October I finished up page 24 and have page 25 more than half done. This leaves me with 5 partial pages. I am hoping I have enough fabric left to stitch them. It might be close and I might have to take it off the scroll rods and use my hoop to finish it.
QS Magic Island is my second full coverage project. I am halfway done with page 2.
Once Dandelion Fairy Kingdom is done I will make this one my daily stitch and start another full coverage.
October was a good stitching month. I am now at 100k stitches done for the year. This is the most I have done in one year and I have two months left.
November will see us spending a week in Florida visiting family. I will take a few small projects with me. Probably the Owl and the HC Anderson SAL.