Sunday, May 13, 2012

 I worked on Autumn Angel by Joan Elliott this week.  I have the top all done and I now just need to finish the bottom of her dress.  There is also alot of beads that need to be put on before it will be finished.  But it will definitely get done this year.
I have a robin's nest at my house.  They have 3 baby birds.  This is the first time I have seen baby birds up close.  They hatched Wednesday and are just now starting to make peeping noises.  At first their bald heads would pop up with their mouths wide open.  It was like watching a puppet show.


mdgtjulie said...

Awwww, they're darling, of course. My mom had a nest a couple of years ago, and the mama bird used to throw fits if she went out on her deck cause the nest was in the deck supports. It was hilarious. Mama bird won that battle, and handily.

mdgtjulie said...

And your angel looks great too. Sorry, I forgot I wanted to say that the first time, lol. Ah, old age...