This week was a new start for me. Autumn Angel by Joan Elliott. I am stitching her on 14ct Parchment. So far the colors seem kinda christmasy to me.
Monday at work I got a nice surprise. These beautiful flowers came from one of the agents I work with. So bright and colorful. They stayed nice all week. I hope they still look decent this Monday when I go into work.
I attended my niece's high school graduation ceremony and party this weekend. I enjoyed visiting with everyone.
Our computer was broke again all week. Back working now but I have lost all of the pictures I had taken of family events for the past few years. When I get paid this week I am going to buy another thumb drive and put my pictures on it weekly as I take them off my camera.
The flowers match your new start! I'm sure it will look more autumny when you get further along. I bought an external hard drive and put all my songs and photos on it. I think it was $50 during the Thanksgiving Day sales and it holds WAY more than a stick does. Might want to check that out too.
Hi Cathy, what beautiful flowers - you lucky girl!!
Your Autumn Angel is looking really good - the colours are lovely. Look forward to seeing more soon!
Love the colors in your Joan Elliot piece. It's gonna be beautiful, I'm sure. And your flowers are lovely!
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